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9 Effective Strategies to Speed Up Your Hiring Process

October 12, 2024

Getting the perfect candidates shouldn’t take much of your time. Hiring new talent can be time-consuming and costly, especially if you need a clear strategy. You want to find the best candidates for your open positions but want to save your resources on efficient methods. Here are 9 ways to speed up your hiring process and get the desired results.


  1. Define your hiring criteria: Before you start looking for candidates, you need a clear idea of what skills, qualifications, and personality traits you are looking for. This will help you narrow your search and save time on applicants who don’t fit your requirements. You can use tools like job descriptions, competency frameworks, and scorecards to define your hiring criteria and communicate them to your team and potential candidates. For example, suppose you are hiring a software engineer. In that case, specify the programming languages, frameworks, and tools they need to know, as well as the level of experience, education, and problem-solving skills they should have.

  2. Use online platforms to source candidates: Thiis is pretty nuch obvious. Instead of relying on traditional methods like job boards and referrals, you can use online platforms to reach a wider and more diverse talent pool. For example, you can use social media, online communities, blogs, podcasts, and webinars to showcase your company culture, values, and projects and attract candidates who share your vision. You can also use platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor to post your job openings and search for candidates who match your criteria. For example, you can use LinkedIn’s advanced search features to filter candidates by location, industry, skills, education, etc.

  3. Streamline your screening process: Once you have a list of potential candidates, you must screen them quickly and effectively to identify the most qualified ones. You can use tools like resume screening software, phone interviews, video interviews, and online assessments to evaluate candidates’ skills, experience, and fit for your company. You can also use automation tools like chatbots, email templates, and calendar integrations to schedule interviews and follow up with candidates. For example, you can use a chatbot to ask candidates basic questions about their availability, salary expectations, and motivation for applying and then send them a link to book an interview.

  4. Conduct structured interviews: Interviews are one of the most important steps in the hiring process, as they allow you to get to know the candidates better and assess their suitability for the role. However, interviews can also be biased and consistent if conducted properly. To avoid this, you should use structured interviews based on predefined questions and criteria relevant to the job. Structured interviews help you compare candidates objectively and fairly and reduce the influence of personal preferences and impressions. For example, you can use behavioural questions that ask candidates to describe how they handled specific situations in their previous roles.

  5. Make timely decisions: The final step in the hiring process is to decide and offer the job to the best candidate. This step should not be delayed or prolonged unnecessarily, as it can affect your reputation as an employer and cause you to lose out on top talent. You should have a clear decision-making process that involves all the relevant stakeholders and takes into account all the data and feedback collected during the previous steps. You should also communicate your decision promptly and respectfully to all the candidates, whether they are hired or rejected. For example, you can email or phone to inform the selected candidate of your offer details and next steps.

  6. Build a talent pipeline: Proactively build a talent pipeline by consistently sourcing and engaging potential candidates, even when you don’t have immediate openings. This way, when a position becomes available, you already have a pool of qualified candidates to consider. Building relationships with passive candidates through networking events, industry-specific platforms, and social media can help expedite the hiring process when needed.

  7. Conduct reference checks strategically: Reference checks can be time-consuming, but they provide valuable insights into a candidate’s past performance and work ethic. To speed up the process, consider conducting reference checks later in the hiring process, preferably after interviews, so that you can focus on top candidates. Prioritize reference checks for candidates in serious contention for the position rather than checking every candidate’s references.

  8. Involve your team in the decision-making: Hiring is not a solo activity; it affects the whole team and the company culture. Therefore, involving your team members in the hiring process and getting their feedback and input on the candidates is important. You can invite them to join the interviews, review the resumes, or conduct a test or a trial project with the candidates.

  9. Leverage your network: One of the fastest ways to find qualified candidates is to tap into your existing network of contacts, such as employees, customers, partners, vendors, or alumni. Ask them for referrals, recommendations, or introductions to people who might be interested in your job opening. You can also use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Tiktok, Instragram, or Twitter to spread the word and reach a wider audience.

Remember, while it’s important to speed up the hiring process, it’s equally crucial to maintain fairness, transparency, and thoroughness to make informed hiring decisions. For more HR advice and resources, click here.