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How to Find a Job After You Clock 30

October 12, 2024

If you are above 30, and you are yet to find a job, you are probably going to be scared because your resume will no longer attract employers as a result of your age. One thing you should know, even though it sounds cliche, is that delay is not denial. Another thing you should keep in mind is that you actually have an advantage over tons of young people who are in the labor market, due to your sharpened abilities and skills. In addition, if you want to find a job in 2023, as a 30+, you don’t have to go through the conventional route for most individuals. In fact, you get the opportunity to choose between various rewarding careers. In this article, we’ll give you 7 tips that’ll help you find a job after 30.

1. Use your transferable skills as your selling point: Transferable skills are relevant skills that are useful for you in any job position. Create a list of them in your resume, highlight them in your cover letter, and be sure to refer to them during your interviews. These skills make you a potential employee and hiring managers are attracted to people who have skills that will yield their companies profit. Examples of these skills may include communication skills, strong work-ethic, emotional intelligence, teamwork, time management, among others.

2. Revamp your resume: Rewriting your resume can provide you with clarity and confidence so you can figure out what you want to do, discover what you excel at and attract potential employers who have open positions you qualify for. As you’re restructuring your resume, make sure it outlines your most relevant skills, it’s without errors, and easy to understand. 

3. Be comfortable with beginning as an entry-level employee: To find a job after 30, you need to be comfortable with starting out in an entry-level position, before they’ll promote you or offer you further moves toward your career in the company. However, with patience, hard work and commitment, you can scale up the corporate ladder in your company and lay a great foundation for your career in the long run. 

4. Take up freelancing roles: You should consider working as a freelancer if companies frequently overlook you for positions because you don’t have a strong enough employment history in the sector. Freelancing can also help you develop your abilities outside of a regular employment environment and connect you with professionals in the business who can make use of your services. Later on, when you are seeking jobs, you can leverage this experience and include it on your CV.

5. Employ the help of a career coach: Working with a career coach will help you to market your skills and what positions you’re better off applying for. They can spot loopholes in your CV and guide you in what you should do next. In order to determine what might be a great fit for you, a career coach may ask you about your interests, ideal compensation, preference for working alone or with a team, and much more. In order to prepare, your career coach may evaluate your CV and do mock interviews with you.

6. Try something new: While applying for jobs and getting negative feedback can be frustrating, coming out of your comfort zone to try something new might just be what you need. Take up a new skill, begin a new course, develop in areas you think you are lacking in. You should also note that whatever you do doesn’t have to fit into your ideal career plan, and you might just be surprised at how much you enjoy something completely new.  

7. Take advantage of LinkedIn and other networking platforms: When it comes to the corporate world, you will agree with me that LinkedIn is one of the best things to happen to employers and job seekers. This is also where you can shoot your best shot if you want to find a job in 2023. Your network can include friends, family members, prospective employers, Human Resource personnel, previous co-workers, professionals in your preferred industry and your fellow students you went to school with. Put yourself out there by talking about your interests and your skills. Let your network know that you want to build a career for yourself and be open to any leads for positions you may qualify for.

Though trying to find a job after 30 can be challenging, and the inability to find one on time can make you feel like you’re stuck in career limbo. However, if you try to improve your transferable skills, take up freelancing roles, come out of your comfort zone and try something new, and grow your social network, there’s no doubt that your career success is just around the corner!