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Cold Email Templates for Freelancers in 2023

October 12, 2024

These cold email templates for freelancers will get you your next major gig this year!

To succeed in the world of freelancing, you can’t always rely on gigs obtained through the usual job advert-recruit route. Many times, you have to do the reaching out, highlight your value and close the client.

How do you do this? Cold emailing. A lot of freelancers take this route in gaining more clients but many times frustration can quickly creep in due to a lack of response from prospective clients. It might seem like a pointless or low-yield strategy but the truth is many freelancers are killing it and raking in clients through cold pitching. 

If you want to know the email templates successful freelancers use to craft emails that get clients hooked and send feedback their way, read on. 

Cold Email Templates for Freelancers in 2023

  1. Email Subject: I bring good news

Hello (*name*)

I’m (*name*), a (*profession*) that specializes in (*niche*). As a busy person, I know (*job role*) takes a lot of work and can leave you energy depleted by mid work hours. I understand how draining this can be and that’s why I’ve decided to let you know about (*solution*). With (*solution*), you can tick off the daunting task of (*job role*), get on with your day and focus your energy on other things. 

If this is something you would want, reply to this email so we can get on a call (at your convenience, of course) and we’ll get the details sorted. 

In the meantime, check out my portfolio to get some scope on my abilities. 

(*Portfolio link*)



2. Email subject: This is what you’ve been waiting for.

Goodday (*name*)

Ever experienced distraught brought about by (*describe problem in detail*). It’s hard, I know. 

That’s what prompted this email. You can hit your work goals better with (*talk about your service*). If this is something you like, do reach out and schedule a call with me.

Also, you can check out my Linkedin and Twitter accounts for some scoop. 




  1.  Email subject: Does (*one to three words that summarizes the solution your service proffers*) sound like a good idea?

Hello (*name*)

As a (*job role*), I understand how hard it is to keep up with (*other life responsibilities*), you seem so buried deep in work and work essentially becomes your life.

 If that’s your reality,  let’s change the narrative. With (*solution*), you complete work duties faster and free up time to meet other responsibilities and create balance in your life.

Let’s create a new reality for you, send a response to get started. 

For the time being, if you want to do some digging, head over to my website. Here’s the link;

(*Website link*)

Warm regards;


(*Phone number*)


  1.  Email subject: Are you struggling with (*state problem*)?

Dear (*name*);

Do you ever feel like you need (*insert desire*)? 

I understand that you have days filled with (*state issue*). 

As a (*state job title*), I have 3 years of experience and I have worked with (*state previous employers/clients*) to achieve (*state company achievements*). With my proven track record and level of  expertise, you can be assured that I would give it all it takes and  drive your company’s objectives. 

If you want to get (*describe desire*), then you can respond to this email and let’s get on a call. 



(*Phone number*)


  1. Email subject: It takes one call to fix (*state problem*)

Hello (*name*)

It’s common knowledge that the (*state niche*) industry is filled with (*state issues a bit extensively*). You probably spend a significabt part of your work hours distraught, wishing there was a way out omewhere. 

I bring good news. My years as a (*job title*) has exposed me to (*state problem*) and that prompted my creative abilities to kick in and craft out a solution, something no other (*job title*) can offer you out there. 

I came up with a strategy that I have put to the test in my previous work experience and have gained for my employers an unfair advantage that has moved them ahead of their game. 

Now I want to help you. It only takes one call and we can plan out the details regarding gaining access to the strategy so many companies seek. 


(*Phone number*)


Those are a few templates you can use. Note that these should serve as guides, they are not set in stone rules for cold emailing so feel free to tweak and customize according to your job roles and prospect’s desires. 

To elaborate, although you may have access to email templates, it’s important to learn what makes up the cold emails that ganers feedback. Understanding the basic ingredients is what will enable you to maximize these email templates or even craft a whole new cold email if the need arises.

How to Write a Cold Email

  1. The headline. 

It is the most important part, it determines the fate of your email- whether it gets read or trashed. Your headline needs to be catchy, something they really want to hear. 

Think of it this way, every human has desires, things they want that will simplify their lives and move them closer to their goals. For a lot of people, significant time is spent dreaming and fantasizing of a life with their desires fulfilled. These thoughts float around in their heads constantly and when they come across anything that looks like a dream come true, an internal radar goes off, alerting their minds to pay attention and take action. 

How does this apply to cold emailing?

 Your prospects go through their days in routines, usually in a trance like state, their desires lurking around in their minds. They may go through the usual routine of reading emails and sending replies passively, but once their eyes come upon an email that speaks of a desire becoming a reality, an internal alarm will go off and they would be drawn out of passivity into activity, their minds paying attention to the email of interest. 

This is why it’s important to get into the head of your prospect. Don’t rely on mindstorming alone, do a lot of background research (research, not stalking).

Once this is done, ask yourself;

  • What is their main aim?

  • What issues are they facing currently?

  • How can I give value and drive them closer to their goals?

Block out time to think long and hard about this and within a while, your lightbulb moment will come. 

The next step is to condense that into a short email subject, that is what will get your email opened. Aim for 6-10 words, that is the number of words reported to have the highest open rates (47%) according to the Business to community survey

 If your prospect is not an individual but a whole company, the same process of research applies. Find out the company’s goals, aims, objectives, recent achievements and values. If the email lands in the hands of an employee (which it usually does), there is no need to worry because an employee exists as a sub-sect of an organization and will usually share and identify with the company’s desires and values. To target all is to target one. 


  1. Work out that body

Working on the body of the email follows suit. Your body should maintain the energy and tone of the heading so you can propel your prospect to read till the very last word. 

Take a marketing stance, highlight the value you bring and paint a picture of the life you can give them by working with them. 

What to note;

  • The first sentence should be a continuation of the headline. It should keep the already piqued interest. 

  • Leave out small talk and get-to-know-me information. They don’t care about you, at least not yet. Keep the goal in mind-  get their attention (if your headline is catchy enough,  you can tick this off) and hold it till the end. 

  1. Include a call to action. 

Tell them what to do to get your service. A good call to action tells your prospective employer or client what to do to get you onboard. Although you don’t want to be authoritative, you should also be clear and direct. You can say something like “respond to this email”, ” I’ll be glad to come in for an interview” or  “let’s get on a call to discuss the details”. Also, don’t forget to leave your contact details.

Final note

Getting feedback from a prospect through cold emailing is a function of persuasion and the key to persuading anyone is identifying a desire, communicating value and birthing their dreams to life. Let that be your guiding rule.

Bear in mind, you don’t always have to go through the cold email route as a freelancer, still engage in the typical search for job openings online. 

Did you find these cold email templates for freelancers useful? You should check: 7 Linkedin message templates to use in 2023