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How to Ace your First 3 Months in a new job

October 12, 2024

Congratulations on starting your new job! The worst part is over or maybe not. Now it’s time to figure out how to ace your first 3 months in a new job.

new job


Getting a new job is like moving to a new country. Now you have to adapt to the culture, and new neighbors a.k.a colleagues while still proving to management that you’re worth the opportunity. If that is not PRESSURE, I don’t know what is. Excelling at your new job in the first 3 months is super important and here are some useful tips to help you sail through smoothly and easily [Okay maybe not so easily].

1. Introduce yourself frequently: Breathe in, breathe out and get ready ‘cos it’s showtime fam. This is not the time to be shy. See, these people don’t know you but they’re watching you. Don’t just sit at your desk after onboarding and hope they’ll figure it out or automatically warm up to you. If it’s a remote job, try to set up a check-in call with your colleagues. Remember their names, stay confident, calm, and friendly.

2. Ask strategic questions: I know you want to show them how amazing you are at taking ownership but you don’t want to make a series of stupid mistakes in the first few days just because you didn’t seek clarity on your tasks. Make a list of the things you need to know to get a head start, ask the stakeholders, and if you’re lucky to get a work buddy assigned to you, ask them all the questions you have including the seemingly stupid ones [lol].

3. Define what success means in that new role FOR THEM and FOR YOU: Have a clarity call with your manager to set expectations so you know where to strike the iron while it’s hot. Will your performance be measured monthly or quarterly? How are results measured? OKRs or KPIs? Figure it out so you know where and how to double down your efforts.

4. Have an open mind and learn fast: It’s not easy training the newbie on the job as most of us just want to get our jobs done. So if someone has been assigned to you to teach you the ropes, make it easy for them and learn fast. You want to be the person that’s easy to teach, listens, and implements what was taught on time.

5. Be open to constructive feedback: Even if you’re in a senior role, always be open to feedback from your team and superiors. If you put up an ‘I Too Know’ air around you, they’ll most likely leave you to keep flying blind. Receive feedback graciously; that’s how you grow.

6. Be observant: The workplace is full of diverse personalities and crazy politics. Trust me on this one; you don’t want to be joining cliques/factions, getting involved in shady stuff, or being too forward at the beginning. Listen more than you talk and be truly interested in getting to know the people you work with.

Finally, relax. For real, it’s a new job, not a military draft. As much as you want to make a good impression and crush those goals, you don’t want to also burn out by week two. Try to take it all in and enjoy this new place you’re at. Be yourself, track your goals, keep your eyes and mind open and show them who da boss izzz!

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