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The 7 Most Effective Email Templates for Requesting a Salary Increase

April 9, 2024
7 email templates to ask for a salary raise

Let’s get you that raise!

You want to improve your chances of getting a raise. That also means writing an email that convinces your boss why you deserve more money.

As your CareerBuddy, we’d advise you on composing an email requesting a raise and give you 7 email templates to ask for a salary raise so you can get started. But let’s first address specific queries before moving on.

Q1: How and when should you ask for a salary raise?

When your company is having financial difficulties, or you have only recently begun your job and have yet to have a chance to establish yourself, you shouldn’t ask for a raise.

The best moment to request a salary raise is to show the organization that you have contributed significantly to its success and provide concrete instances of how you have done so.

Q2: How to request a salary raise?

  • Make your point clearly and back it up with specific instances of your accomplishments. If you need clarification on the wage range to request, investigate the market online or consult with friends with comparable positions to get a sense of what you should make.

  • Also, you must familiarize yourself with the raise policy of your organization. For example, some company’s only award increases following performance evaluations.

  • Be proactive in your approach: Ask what you can do to earn a raise rather than just requesting one. This demonstrates that you are willing to work harder than usual to earn the extra money you seek.

Q3: When should you ask for a salary raise?

Do not wait until your annual review to request a raise. It won’t hurt to request one earlier if you believe you deserve one. It may work in your favour. Just try to only ask at times that are typically busy or right before holidays.

It’s premature to request higher money if you recently started working there or got a promotion. The same holds if you still need to surpass or meet the requirements for your role.

Do’s and don’ts


  • Research: Before requesting a raise, be aware of your position’s average industry compensation and ensure your salary aligns with it. By doing so, you’ll be better able to gauge how much to ask for and have more self-assurance when making your case.

  • Be direct and concise when stating your request. Instead of beating around the bush, use sentences like:

    “I’d like to negotiate a salary increase based on my track record and contributions to the company” or “I’m seeking a salary raise in line with the market rates for my position”

  • Be professional: This is not the moment to become emotional or try to blackmail your supervisor into increasing your pay. Focus on the facts, and make your case logically.

  • After you’ve written your email, schedule a meeting to discuss the raise in more detail. Having an open chat helps with addressing any questions or worries the company might have about the raise.

  • Be ready to negotiate: Negotiating allows you to maximize your value within the organization and ensures you receive fair compensation for your work.

    It’s an opportunity for you to address any discrepancies between your current salary and the value you bring to the company.


  • Send an email when you’re angry.

  • Make threats. 

  • Forget to say thank you. 

A ‘Salary raise email’ format

An email asking for a raise typically has three parts: the subject line, the body, and the conclusion. You can format an email properly using the examples provided below.

Subject line

Be straightforward in your email’s subject line. Here are some additional subject line options you can use to request a meeting to talk about pay

  • Let’s set up a time to meet.

  • Salary Review Meeting.

  • Request for Meeting: Salary Review.

  • Can we discuss my pay?

How do you write an email for a salary increase?

Three essential details should be included in the body of your email when requesting a raise:

  • Your achievements.

  • Market value.

  • Your query.

How to end the email

It’s critical to finish your email on a proactive and upbeat note. Here are a few examples of effective email closings.

  • I value a meeting to go over this in more detail. I appreciate your thoughts and time.

  • I want to hear from you as soon as possible. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me about this.

  • I appreciate your thoughts and time. I’m eager to hear your response to my request.

Alright, enough talk. Let’s get practical!

7 samples to copy while asking for a salary raise

These samples are highlighted by communication experts at Flowrite, Tosaylib, and Template Lab.

Sample 1

Here is an example of an email requesting a meeting to discuss a raise.

Dear (Manager’s name),

I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss my compensation. I am confident that I have performed at or above my expectations and deserve a raise.

Can we schedule some time to chat? Thank you for your time.


(Your name)

Sample 2 

Here’s another sample for a bit more casual yet confident approach.

Dear (Manager’s name),

I hope all is going well. I wanted to request a meeting to discuss my compensation. I have taken on additional responsibilities and projects in the past year and deserve a raise.

Let’s schedule some time to chat.



(Your name)

Sample 3 

If you’d prefer to include your entire salary raise request in the email, you can do so with a longer message. 

Dear (Manager’s name),

I wanted to request a meeting to discuss my compensation. I have taken on additional responsibilities and projects in the past year and deserve a raise.

Based on my experience and skills, I’m also ready for a promotion.

I’ve compiled a list of my recent accomplishments and projects to support my request. As you can see, I have been working hard and contributing to the company’s success.

I would appreciate a meeting to discuss my compensation and promotion. Thank you for your time.


(Your name)

Sample 4

If you want to get more specific about your asking, include a proposed salary or title change in the email. 

Dear (Manager’s name),

I wanted to request a meeting to discuss my compensation.

Based on my experience and skills, as well as my recent accomplishments and projects, I deserve a raise to $XX,XXX.

The reason I’m emailing is to request a meeting so that we can further discuss my compensation. In addition, I want the opportunity to explain my reasoning in person and answer any questions you may have.

I would appreciate a meeting to discuss my compensation and promotion.

Thank you for your time,

(Your name)

Sample 5

When you have been waiting to receive a raise for a long time.

Dear Mr./Mrs. [surname],

As you know, I appreciate your faith in me and my capabilities. However, even though I am immensely grateful for my opportunities here, my current salary doesn’t reflect my experience level or many professional accomplishments.

The last time I received a change in salary was [date], so I would appreciate the opportunity to arrange a meeting to discuss a pay raise.

I wholeheartedly believe that my performance justifies a salary increase since my salary should be by [industry average, area average, recent accomplishments, project or something else].

I look forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,

[your name]

Sample 6

A template citing all the additional tasks and responsibilities.

Dear [name],

I adore working for this company and am looking forward to accomplishing new goals and reaching new heights. However, I wish to meet with you for a particular reason.

During the last/past [time period], I have taken on additional responsibilities and tasks, further improving my expertise and knowledge of [niche you’re working in].

Therefore, I am asking to meet with you to discuss a salary raise. Ever since [date of last raise], I have been committed to every challenge, and I deserve a pay raise under [industry standards, accomplishments or whatever reason].

Let me know about a suitable time and place.

Best regards,

[your name]

Sample 7

Requesting a promotion and a raise at once.

Dear [name],

In the last [time period], I have enjoyed being an integral part of the team and have enjoyed much success. As I become more adept in our weekly and daily endeavours, I am ready for new challenges and responsibilities. I have held this position for [time period], so my knowledge and experience have multiplied and become invaluable.

With this email, I intend to request a meeting to discuss a promotion, along with a pay raise, in compliance with the area averages for the given position. By giving me more responsibilities, the whole collective will benefit.

I look forward to hearing from you!



Getting that raise!

Emailing a request for a raise is rarely a comfortable situation. However, if you’ve been employed by a company for some time and believe your pay is below what you deserve, it’s time to have that crucial conversation with your supervisor.

Still need help? Download our salary negotiation guide here.