Alexa, play Try Again by Aaliyah
Hmm, they said we should be bold as we network and seek new opportunities; that is how I chopped ela for 12 months and counting (yes, I celebrate the anniversary every month like the boss that I am). You may think that I am a pro at this networking and job search business, but no, […]
Plan Big or Stay Broke: Nobody is coming to cut soap for you
We all know how that saying goes – “he who fails to plan, plans to fail” and that’s exactly right. Failing to plan your finances can get you in a shitload of financial problems and worries. Failing to plan for your lover’s birthday can cause you sifia chest pain or breakfast in bed (I know […]
Always follow the money
Who says you are too old to depend on your parents for support? Depending on the perspective you are viewing this statement from, personally, I think it’s one of the strategic ways to build your personal finance. I have seen a lot 23 -27 years old in a hurry to get their own apartment and […]
Why should I give “two fucks” about my work?
Have you heard about the buzz phrase “you either go big, or you go home”? Those who thrive in today’s organizations are those who have hacked how to stay relevant in their respective organizations. It doesn’t just happen overnight, it takes strategic positioning which includes earning the trust of your superiors and colleagues, building your […]
10 unconventional career paths to consider in 2022
There are two ultimate factors often considered when making a career decision; making high income and building a long term career. Despite Nigeria’s wide career space, these two factors cause high concentration on certain professional roles in fields such as nursing, law, engineering, and even the trendy tech-based roles. Consequently, competition is high, requirements are […]
Sometimes, what you need is fresh air
What is this persistent feeling of tiredness you get from going to work? You feel even tired already at 8:00am on Monday Morning? Every time, “Shit, it’s Monday Again!”. If this is you, then you might be part of the increasing statistics of young folks experiencing burnout on a daily basis. According to a WHO […]
You want to chill with the big boys, but can you talk to them?
I used to think I have great communication skills until it was time to sell myself on the spot to a potential employer. Nothing prepared me for the anxiety that hit me on that spot, and it wasn’t just about what I had to say. So, I’m here asking you, do you have the balls […]
Building a Career in Content Writing: Special Feature with Hauwa Lawal
Hauwa Lawal –or Hauwa Amoke Aduragbemi Williams, as she prefers to be called in her crazy fictional world– is one digital content writer rocking the content space in Nigeria. She uses sarcasm adequately for the series on her fictional Nigerian family and paints bold mythical pictures with her “Esu” newsletter series where she publishes short […]