What kind of work relationships do you have with your co-workers? You should take a moment to think about it before you proceed. We get to choose some relationships like our friends, acquaintances, and significant other. But one relationship we don’t exactly get to choose is our coworkers. Workplace relationships are a great deal as […]
Dear Creative: How much are you worth?
Know your worth and then add TAX! That’s the gospel that is currently being preached across the media these days. Everyone seems to be in this sudden frenzy of knowing their self-worth. It’s like a position high up there that we all must attain if we are to be considered serious. Drawing from my experience […]
If You are Looking to Switch Careers, You Should Read This
Staying at a job you are tired of is torture. It’s like being forced to watch the worst show on TV on repeat—you can never enjoy it. But we often find ourselves staying at jobs we no longer love because we are scared. Leaving a career path comes with uncertainties and a lot of what-ifs. […]
HR is full of crap! … or not?
When I think about HR, I remember Richard Williams and his ritualism geng in Living in Bondage. Between you and I, there’s no need for HR in any company. See ehn, all these HR people have special table reservations in hell. Maybe in your career journey so far, your encounter with HR professionals has left […]