Alexa, play Try Again by Aaliyah

Hmm, they said we should be bold as we network and seek new opportunities; that is how I chopped ela for 12 months and counting (yes, I celebrate the anniversary every month like the boss that I am). You may think that I am a pro at this networking and job search business, but no, […]

How To Handle Rejections As A Creative Professional 

One of the superpowers needed within the career space is how to handle rejections. Rejection hurts, no matter what it’s about: a job application, a cold call, a pitch for an idea, or bad feedback.  Creative professionals feel good about themselves when they create great content and products. In this situation, rejection can hurt even […]

Dear Creative: How much are you worth?

Know your worth and then add TAX! That’s the gospel that is currently being preached across the media these days. Everyone seems to be in this sudden frenzy of knowing their self-worth. It’s like a position high up there that we all must attain if we are to be considered serious.  Drawing from my experience […]

Plan Big or Stay Broke: Nobody is coming to cut soap for you

We all know how that saying goes – “he who fails to plan, plans to fail” and that’s exactly right. Failing to plan your finances can get you in a shitload of financial problems and worries.  Failing to plan for your lover’s birthday can cause you sifia chest pain or breakfast in bed (I know […]