Alexa, play Try Again by Aaliyah

Hmm, they said we should be bold as we network and seek new opportunities; that is how I chopped ela for 12 months and counting (yes, I celebrate the anniversary every month like the boss that I am). You may think that I am a pro at this networking and job search business, but no, […]

Good Leadership Is Uncommon Common Sense

I think it’s safe to say we all know, to a large extent, what good leadership looks like. If this is truly the case, how come it’s so rare to see? Are good leaders born, or are they made? I think this is a critical question to examine. After all, if you think good leaders […]

HR is full of crap! … or not?

When I think about HR, I remember Richard Williams and his ritualism geng in Living in Bondage. Between you and I, there’s no need for HR in any company. See ehn, all these HR people have special table reservations in hell.  Maybe in your career journey so far, your encounter with HR professionals has left […]

The 7 Most Effective Email Templates for Requesting a Salary Increase

7 email templates to ask for a salary raise

Let’s get you that raise! You want to improve your chances of getting a raise. That also means writing an email that convinces your boss why you deserve more money. As your CareerBuddy, we’d advise you on composing an email requesting a raise and give you 7 email templates to ask for a salary raise […]