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“Thank You” Email Templates to Send After an Interview

October 12, 2024

Done with an interview? Don’t just sit back and wait. This article will show you mark-making “thank you” email templates that can send a job offer your way. 

Right from an early age,  we’ve always been told to express good manners and say our “please” and “thank you”. But as we enter the world of adulting, we sometimes leave our manners at the door or reserve them for friends and family. 

This will not serve you well, especially when trying to enter the workforce. Having manners is an unwritten requirement because as long as you’re interacting with humans, a lack of simple etiquette will rarely pass unnoticed and this can significantly hamper your chances of getting hired. 

For example, a thank you that isn’t just uttered but put into writing and sent out after an interview can make a lasting impression and increase your people skills ratings. Plus, it can make your interviewer feel good and as such boost your chances of getting a job offer, because at the base of even the most logical decision is emotion. The “thank you” email templates you will find here will come in very handy in your job search

Why you should send a thank you email 

  • They solidify your interest in the job and make a good mark in the interviewer’s mind. 

  • They are a form of follow up, although an official follow up email is usually advised. 

How to write a thank you email

  1. Show gratitude, obviously. Express how grateful you are for the opportunity to be granted an interview. 

  2. State the reason (which should be a strong one by the way) your interest is piqued in the job, also reiterate why you think you’ll make an excellent fit. 

  3. If a particular challenge or problem the company is facing came up during the interview, proffer a solution. This will score you points and portray you as that employee who always takes things up a notch. 

  4. Keep things short and simple. Do not send in a long essay disguised as a thank you email. Rid it of unnecessary details. Keep the goal in mind- to express gratitude. 

  5. Proof reading is important. Run it by a friend or spell checker. 

  6. Border on the personal. In the email, you can hint at a somewhat personal/casual conversation subject that came up during the interview. 

  7. Round up by expressing gratitude again and declaring your willingness to provide answers to any questions they might have. 

  8. Include your name at the end of the email. Sure they can read your email address but still include your name. 

  9. Send out the email as soon as possible, ideally 24 hours after the interview. This is important because, if the interview went well, you are probably still fresh in their memory and can serve to seal in the mark that you already made during the interview process. 


Templates you can use

Email subject: Thank you for the interview

Hello Mrs/Miss/Mr *Last name*

I want to thank you for inviting me for the interview yesterday. It was nice to expand my knowledge about (*company name*) and the (*job title*) position. (*company name*) seems like a really exciting place to work. I’d be honored if I’m given the pleasure of working with your team.

I remain expectant of a positive response from you. Also, please do reach out to me if you happen to have any questions, I’m ready to supply you with answers. 

Warm regards, 

(*Your name*)

Email subject: Thank you for the interview

Hello Mr/Miss/Mrs *Last name*

Thank you so much for affording me the opportunity to get interviewed for the (*job title*) position. 

The interview served to fuel my interest in the job position even further. I believe that my years of experience will come in handy and help you achieve (*state specific company aim*). 

During our interview,  you mentioned that the company was experiencing (*state issue*). Well, I did a bit of thinking and work, and I was able to come up with a solution that will go great lengths to solve the issue. You can access it here (*insert link to document*). 

With that said, I really look forward to a response from you. Also, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask questions if you need clarity regarding my work experience and abilities. 


(*Your name*)

Email subject: Thank you for the interview 

Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs (*last name*);

Thank you so much for meeting with me today to discuss the details of the job opportunity at (*company name*). 

This job position sounds like an exciting role that I would love to take on and I believe my years of experience and expertise would enable me to handle the job roles effectively and make noteworthy contributions to your company’s growth.  

It was particularly pleasant to talk with you about our shared love for nurturing plants. 

I look forward to a response from you and if you perhaps have any questions regarding my application. I’m very much willing to provide answers and clarifications. 

Best regards, 

(*Your name*)

To conclude;

Depending on your interviewer, all your experiences may count for nothing if you imply you lack basic people skills (interviewers could be subjective sometimes). 

Although many candidates deem thank you emails as an unnecessary feat, don’t risk it all by not sending one. If your interviewer happens to be someone that really values etiquette and pays attention to the slightest display of manners, you could jeopardize your chances of getting the job and lose it to someone else that has the basic decency to say thank you. 

In lieu of this, because an interviewer may not always be 100% objective, it’s important that you cast yourself upon many waters in your job search. Don’t streamline yourself to 1 to 3 job openings alone, pursue up to 12 jobs. That way, you’d have options on your plates and if, perhaps,  you need updates on the latest tech jobs, you can subscribe to our newsletter here. 

Did you find these “thank you” email templates useful? You should read this: Cover Letter Samples to Send alongside your Resume