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Important things to do after applying for a new job

October 12, 2024

Hello there! So if you’re reading this, you most likely just submitted a job application and you’re most likely thinking about the  Important things to do after applying for a new job

Tensed? Don’t be. That’s your first step to greatness! Did it go well though or do you think you could have done better? I’d imagine you either breathed a sigh of relief once you clicked on submit or you suddenly remembered all the 10 ways you definitely fucked up. I get it and I’m not judging you ‘cos we’ve all been there.

Now that you have applied, what’s next? Sincerely, I’ll say eat, drink something chilled, sleep…then wake up! Jokes aside, people always think after the application process your job is done? I disagree.

These are some of the things you should do after applying for a new job:

If you haven’t researched who the hiring manager of the company is, do so now! LinkedIn and Google are your friends. Search for people who work in this organization to figure out who the hiring manager might be. You may or may not get valuable information but if you don’t try, how will you know?

Stay updated on new info – You don’t want to miss calls or emails from HR or your potential employer. I’ve experienced cases where I actually liked a candidate, and reached out to them first but didn’t get a response on time so I had to move on. Turn on your email notification, check your spam, and don’t be caught slacking.

Follow Up – Sometimes, the organization might tell you the exact time to expect feedback. However, if you don’t hear back from HR after a week or two, you should send a follow-up email. Here’s something to work with:

“Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

My name is _______ and I recently applied for the position of [the position you’re applying for] with [Company Name] two weeks ago. It was a pleasure to learn more about your [innovative strategy / upcoming challenges/core values/industry insights].

The details of the Job Description convinced me that this is a job I would enjoy and one where I could make a valuable contribution with my skills and experience [refer to your specific area of expertise and how it can benefit your employer] . Finally, attached you will find the details of some of my projects. Please feel free to contact me if you find you need any more information. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you once again, [Hiring Manager’s Name or Company].

Best regards,

Please don’t spam them, be as simple, professional, and straightforward as possible.

WAIT but don’t WASTE your time – Depending on the company or industry, the time frame differs, understand that. Don’t just sit on your ass waiting for Godot. Learn a new skill, learn more about your current skill, and apply for other jobs; as much as you want to be optimistic, you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket.

Hopefully, you get successful news soon and if not, we move to the next!! Rooting for you!